Introducing The First Ever High Protein Chocolate Advent Calendar!
Everyone knows that Christmas is all about chocolate, but what if we told you there was a healthier alternative to chocolate every morning this holiday season that can pack on lean muscle mass and help you lose weight! Get Christmas off to a bang with the first ever yummy High Protein Advent Calendar! 25 pieces of guilt-free High Protein Luxury Chocolate coins, the perfect way to countdown to our favourite time of year!
If you are interested in producing your own branded Protein Advent Calendar (Minimum Orders Apply) then feel free to get in touch on hello@cocoa.plus or use our handy Contact Form here.
As seen on 'This Morning'
Build muscle with chocolate! A whopping 35g of quality, fast absorbing protein per calendar, more protein than a chicken breast or 5 whole eggs? Made with the finest 55% cocoa bringing you all the benefits of dark chocolate without the bitterness and with less sugar. A high fibre, gluten-free treat this winter, to fit in perfectly with your training and support those fitness goals.
“Made with the finest 55% cocoa bringing you all the benefits of dark chocolate without the bitterness and with less sugar”
Not only that but we're excited to let you know that we've been collaborating with Courtney Pruce (@thecleaneatingguide) and TeamLeanUK (@teamleanuk) to bring you quick exciting workouts behind every window to get you to rise and shine this December and get the day going...plus research has shown that a quick workout every morning suggest it may help the body burn 20% body fat(1), how's that for an early Christmas present!
Protein Chocolate in the morning?!
The key to healthy indulgence is do to it in the morning, this is because our body's metabolism is at it's most active, which is why you should open a window on your high protein calendar first thing. A treat in the morning can keep you from craving carbs and sugar all day, which means that adding sweet items to your diet in the morning can help those with a sweet tooth keep their diet under control (2). Just make sure that the treat is packed full of protein and healthy fats like our delicious protein choc.
So long tasteless protein bars! Treat your gym partner to chocolate with less sugar than supermarket brands and 4 times the protein! Embrace, indulge and get fitter with delicious protein chocolate!
- Kozlowska A, Szostak-Wegierek D. Breakfast and exercise contingently affect postprandial metabolism and energy balance in physically active males. Br J Nutr. 2013 Aug; 110(4):721-32.
- http://www.ibtimes.com/can-chocolate-cake-breakfast-diet-help-you-lose-weight-408976