protein chocolate hearts

Don't give up the things you love this 2018!

So who's still on course with their New Year goals that they set themselves last year?  Listen to this: "8% of people stick to their New Years resolution"(1) even though over half of people set themselves goals for 2018! (1) don't feel so bad now do you?

Reinventing yourself, whether it's to start going to the gym everyday, be more confident, to give up drinking, or ditch chocolate, we find that people often set themselves unrealistic goals, and are setting themselves up for a loss from the get go. It's a form of cultural procrastination according to Carleton University in Canada, so we're all excited to announce it to our friends and family and to ourselves, but who are we kidding, it's the 15th of January and we're right back where were were last year.

These changes to your lifestyle, whether or not for health reasons, need to take place gradually with time. Your current lifestyle in 2017 has become a habit, perhaps even a bad habit and "the chains of habit are too light to be felt, until they are too heavy to be broken", in other words, these habits have been built into our brains and we are accustomed to them now, breaking them is easier said than done. 

“the chains of habit are too light to be felt, until they are too heavy to be broken”

What do I do?

Start by forgetting about resolutions, we find that by setting a resolution with a start date (1st of Jan 2018) you fool yourself into thinking it has an end date. MAKE SMALL CHANGES EVERYDAY and SWAP RATHER THAN GIVE UP.

For example, work up to eliminating those unhealthy snacks in your office, and be realistic with yourself. This doesn't mean giving up sweet treats for carrot sticks but rather swapping for something with a little less sugar, but something that doesn't compromise the taste of what your body loves.

Why not give our Cocoa+ protein chocolate hearts a go?

These small, bitesize pieces of our chocolate are high in protein and now come in creamy milk protein chocolate, handy for portion control and contain 50% less sugar and 4 times the protein of regular milk chocolate! 

Think about creating healthy habits for the long term, and by swapping your lifestyle for healthier options over time and becoming accustomed to these changes gradually, with a little patience, you will be well on your way to hitting these goals you've set out for yourself.



  1. Statistic Brain Research Institute:






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