A Black Friday for chocoholics

A Black Friday for chocoholics

So you've already seen that 100's of retailers are shelling out deals all this week, left right and center. You might have had your eye on a particular store, a particular item and are waiting to pounce as soon as the discount hits, but is the actual item really cheaper this Black Friday season?

Many companies offer amazing deals and slash prices only after hiking them up for the big day, we don't think this is fair or transparent to customers. 

We want to truly offer only the chocolatiest deals on our luxury protein chocolate to all you chocoholics, and we're not going to be making it complicated or confusing, simply one, easy to redeem, deal. No code will be needed so there won't be any chance to miss out, and because the deal is so good, we'll only be able to run it for the one day, the single day...Black Friday!

Even though we'll only be running our deals for 24 hours, we'll make sure that we give everyone a chance to fill up their stockings full of chocolatey goodness in time for Christmas. Keep a look out though, because you might just see something new straight out of our Cocoa+ cookbook. 

Get ready, it's coming...


It’s Good + More Good.

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